Glen Davis
The remnants of the former Glen Davis mine lay scattered amongst trees and nature in the picturesque Capertee Valley. Mining operations commenced in the 1940s, employing approximately 170 workers during the Great Depression. Providing much needed oil for the defence forces, a cessation in government funding combined with resource depletion in the 1950s resulted in the permanent closure of the facility.

Trees, vines and shrubs engulf a number of broken structures now home to a range of native birds. Mobs of kangaroos run rife throughout the area, leaping between the abandoned cars that lay both in and around scattered mounds of bricks and ruins.

This is a space where the natural and unnatural clash together to create a contrary story where human industrialisation faces the wrath of mother nature. Gigantic sandstone cliffs surround the scene, creating a silent and ghostly enclosure where an ancient landscape consumes a once prosperous Twentieth Century mine.
