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Powerplant IM

Powerplant IM had always been high on our list of must see places. We'd been drooling over pictures of this otherworldy moss covered funnel for a long time and finally, on a freezing cold pissy rainy day, we were on our way there. Located on the outskirts of a dirty industrial town in Belgium, we parked our car in a back lot behind a factory and walked through the rain with our camera gear. Finally this huge vast industrial tower appeared before us and we nearly pissed our pants with excitement as we got closer to our goal. We snuck in through a fence and climbed a muddy mound of dirt and checked that the coast was clear....then bolted up the metal steps. When we opened the, words cannot describe the awesomeness of what appeared before us. The interior was HUGE and we got a little overwhelmed by its beauty. In the middle was the famous funnel, covered in moss and looking exactly how we wanted it to look. We spent a few hours in there shooting as many pics as possible. We kind of lost track of time and didnt realise that, because it was now the afternoon, there were workmen outside. We peered through small holes in the metal exit door and watched and waited for them to leave. No such luck, so we decided to wait until all their backs were turned and then flew out the door and bolted down the steps as fast as possible and dived unerneath the cooling tower. We didnt get busted. Fun times!!


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